Member Benefits

Grasslands Newsletter

Four editions of the GSSA Newsletter are produced annually. The Newsletter contains articles of interest for members on grassland topics, updates on research related to grasslands, notice of coming events and branch reports on activities held.

All members receive the quarterly Newsletter (email or printed) and a printed copy of the Annual Conference Proceedings as part of their annual membership subscription.  Past issues of newsletters and conference proceedings are available to members via the website.

If you would like to review the contents of a previous Newsletter as an example please click here.   

Conference Proceedings

Each year the society holds an annual conference, attracting 300-400 delegates. The array of speakers over the years have been informative, interesting and challenging. The conference proceedings provide detailed papers from invited speakers and poster abstracts. Topics cover all grazing industries and range from animal husbandry, grazing management, and fertiliser applications to pasture species information. These proceedings are available to delegates at the conference and to members of the society following the conference.


The Society, through its local branches, holds a number of field days and events for members as well as non-members.  Members receive discounted registration for these events.